To map a base record table to an existing delimited file

You can map a new base record table to an existing file on the Campaign server within your partition (that is, the file must be located under your partition root) when editing a flowchart or through the Campaign Settings page.

You map a new base record table to make data accessible to processes in flowcharts.

Begin from the New Table Definition - Select the table type window.
If necessary, select Base Record Table, then click Next.
Select Map to Existing File, then click Next.
Select Delimited File for the File Type.
In the Settings section of the window, check First Row of Data Contains Field Names if this is the case.
Select the Field Delimiter (this is the character used to separate each field in a row of data): TAB, COMMA, or SPACE.
Select the Qualifier used to indicate how strings are delimited in the file: None, Single Quote, or Double Quote.
This is important if you have a space-delimited file with spaces as part of a field entry. In this case, the field must be enclosed in quotation marks so the embedded spaces are not interpreted as field delimiters. For example, if you had a row of data such as: “John Smith” “100 Main St.”, with the delimiter as SPACE and Qualifier set to NONE, Campaign would parse this as five different fields (“John” as the value of the first field, “Smith” as the second, “100” as the third, and so forth). If the qualifier is set to Double Quote, then this record is correctly parsed as two fields (name and street address).
Click Browse to select the Source File from within your partition directory.
If you are mapping a delimited file, you can override the field type that is automatically detected by Campaign (Numeric or Text) or the width, which samples the first 100 lines of the file.
You use the Add, Remove, Up 1 and Down 1 buttons to specify the Source Table Fields that are included in the new table and their order. Click on the Field Name column in the New Table Fields section to automatically sort column names alphabetically in ascending (or descending) order.
Accept the defaults, or edit the Unica Table Name field to change the name of the table as it will appear in Campaign. You can also change the Unica Field Name mapped to each source field name by selecting the field name and editing the text in the Unica Field Name text box in the Edit Selected Field Information section.
Select an Audience Level from the drop-down list. The Audience Fields list is automatically populated. You must select a field in the new base table that is the corresponding key for each listed entry.
Click Next.
Click Add.
Select an Audience Level Name.
For each Audience Field, match appropriate field(s) from the base table to the corresponding key(s) in the audience level.
Click Finish.

IBM Unica Campaign
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