To import a campaign, session, or flowchart
unica_acsesutil -s <sesFileName> -h <partitionName>
-i <importFileName> [-f { flowchart | campaign | session }]
[-b { abort | replace | skip }]
[-S <datasource> -U <DBusername> -P <DBpassword>]
Example: import campaign
unica_acsesutil -s “campaigns/Campaign” -h partition1 -i campaign.exp -f campaign

This example uses the previously generated campaign.exp file and imports Campaign C000001 data to the system tables on the target system, as well as to the “campaigns/Campaign” file located on partition1.

Example: import flowchart
unica_acsesutil -s “campaigns/Campaign C000001_C000001_” -h partition1 -i import.exp -f flowchart

This example uses the previously generated flowchart.exp file and imports the data associated with Campaign C000001_Flowchart1 to the system tables on the target system, as well as to the “campaigns/Campaign C000001_C000001_Flowchart” file located on partition1.

IBM Unica Campaign
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