To manually create a new data dictionary

This section describes how to create a new data dictionary manually. It may be easier to create a new data dictionary by starting with an existing data dictionary created by Campaign.

In the .dct file, define fields in the format:
< Variable_name>, <“ASCII string” or “ASCII Numeric”>, < Length_in_bytes>, < Decimal_point >, < Format>, < Comment>
Use Unknown for the format and leave the comment field blank, as in the following:
acct_id, ASCII string, 15, 0, Unknown,
hsehld_id, ASCII Numeric, 16, 0, Unknown,
occptn_cd, ASCII string, 2, 0, Unknown,
dob, ASCII string, 10, 0, Unknown,
natural_lang, ASCII string, 2, 0, Unknown,
commun_lang, ASCII string, 2, 0, Unknown,

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